Contact Safes guide


New: the modern and stylish MetaCel safes May 17, 2024

New at De Raat: MetaCel. Our new state-of-the-art safe with fingerprint lock and an impressive 90-minute fire resistant certificate (NT Fire-017 90P). More information?
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New at De Raat: Terra floor safes January 11, 2024

Meet our new floor safes: Terra. 

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New price list 2024 available January 2, 2024

Check out our new interesting series from our 2024 price list below!

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year! December 19, 2023

The De Raat team wishes you a spectacular Christmas and a safe 2024!

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The new S2 certified safe from De Raat: DRS Global October 26, 2023

After over 30 years of succesful sales with our PT/ET series, we are proud to introduce the successor: the DRS Global series.
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Stock info on our website May 3, 2023

De Raat Security Products is continuously working to increase its service level. A frequently mentioned wish of our partners is to make the availability of stock visible on our website. As of today, this has been achieved.

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Gecertificeerd verankeren February 3, 2023

In samenspraak met de verzekeraars, is door brancheorganisatie Vereniging Geld- en Waardeberging (VGW) de module 'gecertificeerd verankeren' ontwikkeld.
Een gecertificeerde verankering wordt uitgevoerd door een speciaal hiervoor opgeleide medewerker en biedt garantie op het uitvoeren van de verankering volgens een vastgelegd protocol.
Voor gecertificeerde producten EN14450 (S1 en S2) en EN1143-1 klasse I wordt gecertificeerd verankeren geadviseerd. Voor producten vanaf klasse II (EN1143-1) is voor Nederland gecertificeerd verankeren ingaande 1 janauari 2024 als verplicht onderdeel van de VRKI 2.0 meegenomen. Vanaf dat moment kunnen verzekeraars vragen om een verankeringscertificaat.
In aanvulling op een inhuizing kunnen wij uiteraard ook het gecertificeerd verankeren aanbieden als aanvullende dienst.
Actuele tarieven voor inhuizingen en verankeringen kunt u vinden op onze website, hier vindt u ook het inhuisformulier

Zelf de cursus gecertificeerd verankeren volgen ?


Meer informatie over de achtergronden van het gecertificeerd verankeren en de door SOBA verzorgde opleiding kunt u vinden in bijgaand schrijven.

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De Raat starts collaboration with Oxolutions April 26, 2022

De Raat Security Products has entered into a partnership with Oxolutions B.V. with this, De Raat is expanding its range with intuitive, smart and space-saving locker systems called Blinkaspace.

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De Raat takes over Master Lock sales activities from De Beer Innovations BV July 30, 2021

From August 1st 2021, De Raat Security Products BV from Zoetermeer has taken over all Master Lock sales activities from Asfra / De Beer Innovations BV from Veenendaal.

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Catalogue 2021-2022 May 17, 2021

You probably will not have missed the restlessness on the world wide market for raw materials (steel, plastic, aluminium). After the summer of 2020 the demand of steel had increased worldwide, with a shortage of steel and increasing prices as a result. Also the prices for transport of containers have been through the roof all over the world.

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Vault rooms April 13, 2021

Did you know we can build a vault room in every space?

With the modular vault rooms from De Raat you can create every measurement and the valuable items from your client will be stored safely.

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Our new 2020 catalogue is available now! April 28, 2020

Please download our new catalogue here and find all our products including specifications inside.

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Our DRS Euro Defender is shown in the show 'De Kluis'! February 10, 2020

Did you know our DRS Euro Defender is shown every week on the show 'De Kluis'? Dutch celebrity have to crack the safe so win money for charity. There is a new episode every week, so please do not forget to watch our double certified safes on the Youtube page of StukTV!

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